My Personal Comfort Food ~ Squid Ink Spaghettina
Monterey squid, local white shrimp, garlic tomato compote, Japanese red curry, lemon grass dashi-broth, seaweed butter, enoki mushrooms, and shiso
什麼才是Comfort Food?譯成中文的話,應該是吃了令人感覺舒服滿足的食物, 個人的幸福食物.
我時常覺得, Comfort Food是很個人的事,每個人應該都有自己喜愛的Comfort Food,而我,在自己情緒低落或者生病沒有胃口時都很想吃的, 就是這一碗 !
這是一碗充滿了誘惑的麵 ,用了鮮美的魚湯打底, 加上檸檬草,海帶醬,金針菇,紫蘇,蒙特利魷魚,本地的白蝦,醃過的大蒜番茄,日本紅咖哩 , 再加上墨魚麵,微辣,口感的層次非常豐富,是令我吃了還想再吃,念念不忘的美味。
而這碗麵的出處, 就是位於舊金山Design District的Skool餐廳 .
Skool是一個很可愛的餐廳,從外觀看完全不起眼,Design District 到了周末本來就人煙稀少,如果沒有那一大塊魚骨頭的鐵招牌和門口2座大白石獅子的話,很容易就讓人錯過
走進門就可以看到戶外的露臺擺滿了桌子,這是我們非常喜歡帶狗一起來用餐的餐廳,事實上餐廳也非常的歡迎狗寶貝,為此他們還特別推出了狗寶貝的特餐:Yuppy Days K9 Special , 天冷的時候餐廳還提供暖爐和毛毯讓客人取暖.
餐廳的室內設計充滿了木頭和水泥的混合搭配,酒吧占了一整面的墻,很多周圍的設計師喜歡在下班Happy Hours的時候過來喝一杯,順便點一些吃的。 要提醒的是餐廳沒有中央暖氣,如果冬天來訪,不如多帶一件外套或大圍巾.
Skool的主廚, 是曾經在Blowfish Sushi to Die For餐廳任行政主廚的Toshihiro Nagano, 如今他和他的太太Hiroko主理廚房, 外頭交給了他的合作夥伴Andy Mirabell和他的妻子 Olia Kedi管理 .
周末Brunch的French Toast非常精彩,用的是Brioche Toast,面包的每一個空隙都吸滿了蛋汁,但不會過分的綿濕,外皮則煎的又脆又香,配搭藍莓馬斯卡邦尼奶酪, 美味極了。

Veggie Omelette
Seasonal Vegetables and Truffle Oil Omelette Topped with Tomato Onion Fondue Served with Yukari Dusted Potatoes and Fruit
Seasonal Vegetables and Truffle Oil Omelette Topped with Tomato Onion Fondue Served with Yukari Dusted Potatoes and Fruit
到了夜晚,我最常青睞的組合就是Uni Flan + Squid Ink Spaghettina,我是多變的水瓶,很少會重復我的選擇,而卻對這個組合死心塌地的上了癮, 每一次都吃得我心滿意足. 心情好的時候我還會再加一份炸薯條佐Skool特制的 Miso Aioli,人多地時候就再加一份Chef’s Flatbread ,保證吃到口齒留香.
Uni Flan
Light Sea Urchin Flan Topped with Ikura and Fleur de Sel
Squid Ink Spaghettina
Monterey Squid, Local White Shrimp, Garlic Tomato Compote, Japanese Red Curry, Lemon Grass Dashi-Broth, Seaweed Butter, Enoki Mushrooms, Shiso
French Fries with Skool Miso Aioli
Chef’s Flatbread
Ricotta, Mozzarella, Sage, Building Blocks: Smoked Herring
Ricotta, Mozzarella, Sage, Building Blocks: Smoked Herring
Stuffed Portobello Risotto
Shitake Dashi Risotto and Fava Beans Topped with a Portobello Stuffed with Mozzarella and Ricotta Topped with Smoked Paprika Oil and Grilled Lemon
Shitake Dashi Risotto and Fava Beans Topped with a Portobello Stuffed with Mozzarella and Ricotta Topped with Smoked Paprika Oil and Grilled Lemon
Creekstone Filet
Filet with Port Cabernet Demi-Glace, Stuffed Portobello and Ikasumi Butter Tossed Fingerling Potatoes
Filet with Port Cabernet Demi-Glace, Stuffed Portobello and Ikasumi Butter Tossed Fingerling Potatoes

Steamed Mussels
Mussels, Applewood Smoked Bacon, Tomato in a Point Reyes Blue Cheese Cream Broth with White Wine, Pastis and Fine Herbs served with Grilled Toast
Mussels, Applewood Smoked Bacon, Tomato in a Point Reyes Blue Cheese Cream Broth with White Wine, Pastis and Fine Herbs served with Grilled Toast
Spiced Chocolate Cake
Flourless Guittard Chocolate Cake with Cardamom and Red Chile Spice Covered in a Raspberry Blanket Gelee, Served with Orange Meringue
Flourless Guittard Chocolate Cake with Cardamom and Red Chile Spice Covered in a Raspberry Blanket Gelee, Served with Orange Meringue
1725 Alameda St
(at Rhode Island St)
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 255-8800
1725 Alameda St
(at Rhode Island St)
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 255-8800
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